Hi! I’m

Catherine Gerdes

In addition to certifications from the National Board of Health and Wellness and Duke Integrative Medicine, I am an intuitive empath who has put in the work towards my healing and evolution. My movement through some gut-wrenching twists and turns led me towards different healing modalities and, as a result, my approach to life and my coaching practice is a melding of the practical and mystical. In addition to studying behavioral change, I bring intuitive guidance, energy healing and quantum awareness into sessions with my clients. My writing and coaching guide intuitive empaths into remembering who they are - mystical, empowered, and whole and helping them to detach from stories of smallness and trauma-bondage.


Value #1: Non-separation.

All of the components of our lives impact one another. Our relationships, environment, career, and physical health seep into one another and can’t be completely compartmentalized. This is integrative health and wellness. As much as we may want to control an aspect of our wellbeing, chances are that it feeds or detracts from another part of our lives. When this goes unnoticed, our wellbeing is at stake.

Also, we are each impacted by the energy of others, cosmic seasons, and the energies of places and things. In a grander sense, this is non-separation.

Value #2: You are a spiritual being

Each one of us is a spiritual being living a human existence. This is why understanding our unique purpose can be so valuable and why, eventually, a lot of us question our legacy and what we’re leaving behind. All my work is centered around transformation and healing for embodying more of your authentic self.

This is all spiritual work.

Value #3: At times, we all need mentors.

At different points along our journey, we can benefit from a guide - someone who has been where we are and who can offer something to help us move forward. This doesn’t have to be a guru who tells us what to do. It can be a mentor who helps you return to who you are or discover your personal sovereignty.

There is no shame in needing some assistance - especially when moving through transformation or more difficult seasons in our lives.

My Sacred Mission


My hope is to see everyone embody their own unique and empowered magic - to continually reconnect with the awareness that they are whole and worthy.

My belief is that we all have the ability to connect to the divine - whether you call this your higher self, the Universe, God - that part of you exists on a higher time line and frequency. Although at different points in our lives we seek some external guidance, that part of ourselves is accessible by going within.

Our joy is our responsibility to claim.

Our transformation is how we take our power back.

Our vision is what propels us forward.

My vision in my business is for anyone I serve to see themselves as more than capable and already enough.


Dreaming of a New Reality?

Going through a life transition? Feeling at the edge of a breakthrough? The services that I provide are all intended for healing of the self with the recognition that unhealthy patterns can be destroyed when we heal and recalibrate ourselves.

Check out my services page for embodying more of yourself and taking action towards your own healing.

Take Your Journey to the Next Level