Embody More of Who You Are


Service #1

Astrology-Based Mentorship

My top-selling service, this coaching session weaves in astrology and is specifically tailored to your vision or goal. This is right for you if you are looking for a strategy co-creator, astrological consult and energy worker along your journey.

My process is a combination of the mystical and the practical through dreamy envisioning work and grounded structure. Topics of energy and intention - as well as subconscious blockages come up in our time together. Ultimately, I guide intuitive, creative clients as they bring their big-picture visions to life.

Mentorship is available in a single session or as a three-session pack.


cosmic guidance

In addition to coaching, your natal chart will provide us with treasured information. Transits will be considered and incorporated into your session to help you navigate your best path forward.


Sessions are available in package format, allowing for check-ins around progress and follow-up to strategy implemented towards your goals and intentions.

Intuitive insights

In addition to practical coaching strategy, you’ll receive intuitive insights with the possibility of incorporating meditation, visualization or tarot elements in your session.

strategy co-creation

For reclaiming your energy, we’ll take an integrative approach assessing various compartments of your life. You will receive insights into any personal blindspots and clarification of intentions and goals.


Service #2

Natal Chart Astrology Reading

Looking for insight into your purpose, relationship dynamics or subconscious blockages? Our astrological charts are filled with information and can reflect back to us repeated themes involving our personal success and struggle.

In this one hour session, we will dive into your astrological chart. We’ll uncover your unique purpose as well as hidden wounds. If you have a specific focus in mind or a question in advance, you can note this upon booking. Your accurate birth day, time and place will be needed in advance. All sessions are held over zoom.


Your north node

Your north node journey is the calling of your soul’s purpose. This is the direction of our lives that resonates the most, but does require us to take action and embody it. Generally, it requires some level of evolution and adaptability on our part.

Your Chiron

We’ll look into old - and possibly, hidden wounds that may need care and attention. You’ll walk away with new information for moving forward or the reassurance and validation of past experiences.

Your love language

Relationships are all over the chart (literally). We will cover dynamics in different types of relationships. This is another area where criteria in love can be explored as well as potential pitfalls or advice to keep on your radar.

want more?

Upon booking this service, you’ll have the opportunity to add-on an Astrological Natal Report PDF. This is a nine-page custom overview of your chart with details specified from your reading, and some new content.


Service #3

Energy Healing Session

Reiki is a form of healing that can generate subtle shifts in energy. It can gently assist with emotional processing, grief work and attention can be given to physical pains. Generally, it improves mood and brings greater peace or clarity.

All sessions are 1-on-1 and held virtually. Please disclose any emotional or physical symptoms you may be experiencing that you would like me to pay attention to during your healing session.


Take Your Journey to the Next Level.